

I will utilize scrying and card reading(one or both) to look into a situation for you. I’m open to doing readings on various situations, from more mundane issues(love, money, etc.) to more spiritual matters, such as identifying what spirits are part of your spiritual court(something I specialize in). Contact me with a short description of the situation and I will help you decide whether simply scrying, or a combination of scrying + card reading(playing cards or tarot) would be appropriate to look into the situation.

Scrying Coaching

Utilizing methods from Scandinavian folk magic, I will teach you the basics of how to receive psychic impressions by simply looking at an object or being. Coaching sessions are 1 - 1.5 hours long, by phone/voice chat.

Fairy & Elf Related Needs/Issues

Many people find themselves having issues or spiritual needs related to the Good People(faeries) or the Alfar(Elves). Some may find themselves on the receiving end of activity, whether positive or negative, that is Faery in origin and don’t understand why(but would like to know why!). There are also those very brave souls who have interest in a working relationship with the Fair Folk or the Alfar, but aren’t sure how to go about it safely. Any of the above, and more, Faery-related needs are my specialty.

Magical Services

Do you need a spell to help you get that extra boost of income in your business? Do you need a charm to help improve your psychic ability, or to give you luck in love? Contact me with a brief summary of your needs, and we will start by deciding if a divination session on the situation is in order first - then decide what the best course of action is for your needs.

For entertainment purposes only.