Reviews & References

Having had the pleasure of training Rose as an apprentice of the Scandinavian folk magic tradition of Trolldom for some years, I can wholeheartedly recommend her as a reader and performer of magical services. Rose has shown a deep and sincere dedication to the work and great skill, integrity and diligence in the work. She is one of the best readers I had the opportunity to train. “

-Johannes B. Gårdbäck

Author of “Trolldom – Spells and Methods of the Norse Folkmagic Tradition” &


“As someone who performs local faerie seership and doctoring, there are some things you can't always do for yourself. Rose has been, for myself and my family, the person I've turned to. The information she has freely seen matches with things I've never told her about and she has given me dynamic, folkloric, insights into circumstances too close for me to see clearly on my own.”

-Lee Morgan

Author of “A Deed Without A Name” and “Sounds of Infinity”

“Rose is, without any exaggeration, the finest scryer I have ever met. Having spent a great deal of time in traditional forms of magic that place a great emphasis on direct communication with and perception of spirits, such as my native Balkan folk magic and witchcraft, as well as Brazilian Quimbanda, I am no stranger to the importance and indeed crucial necessity of building these essential skills in order to traffic more effectively with spirits, the dead, and the very nature of our work as sorcerers and diviners. Rose’s accuracy is not only stunning, continually amazing her mentors and peers alike with her precision, attention to detail, and superb mastery over whichever medium of divination she uses; she is also exceptionally compassionate, level-headed, mature, and deeply cunning. While incredibly gifted on her own, it is her dedication and passion for her work and the incremental building of her skill alongside her beloved spiritual allies that is what has rightly earned her the adoration of all her communities. Having benefitted greatly from her remarkable readings, I would highly recommend Rose as a diviner, professional witch, and spiritual consultant. She is truly one of the rare sorcerers who is able to completely and reliably demonstrate and verify every skill and ability she claims to have, never relying on anyone’s suspension of disbelief but rather eagerly showing them the fruits of her labour with genuine love and humility towards the art—a passion and gift she shares with her clients by allowing them to take what feels ephemeral to fully embrace their spirituality as a concrete, undeniable, living organism.”

-Katarina Pejović

Author of “Balkan Folk Magic: Zmaj”

Presenter at the Salem Witchcraft and Folklore Festival & Magickal Women Conference

“The practitioner that I recommend above all for matters regarding the Good Neighbors is my beloved sister, Rose, who is as much a bright-shining, pulsing Star, herself, as the writhing asterisms she calls home. Rose is also the most prolific, profoundly accurate, and un-fuckwithable Fairy Seer and Scryer that I have ever met, and her talents as a sorceress and diviner are absolutely staggering. In my own moments of initiatory confusion and overwhelm, during evolutions where I needed help understanding the complex stories my spirits were spinning for me, in the cliff-hanging, heart-racing periods I needed someone I could truly trust to not only look, but to give honest opinions and astute guidance, I have consistently turned to Rose. I have referred multiple clients to Rose in dire, dangerous circumstances, and she has always been able to deftly and gracefully help. I trust her skill and expertise with my life.”

-Sasha Ravitch

Author of “The Red Dreaded Spindle: An Astrolater’s Guide to the Stinger Stars of Scorpius”

“Rose is a brilliant seer. At times when things have been too close or obfuscated for me to see with clarity, Rose has offered a fresh view that has been extremely confirming. Her sessions really click things into place. Aspects of what she has shared with me in our sessions continue to unfold over time, further cementing my deep respect and recommendation for her scrying skills.

I am also very grateful to Rose for picking up on a health issue that I had been ignoring, while not a major issue at the time it was something that could have become a serious problem if I had not acted upon it.”

-Genie Desert

“The single most impactful action I’ve taken for my spiritual and personal development over the past 3 years has been investing in relationships with teachers who are themselves embedded within, and connected to the living lineages of whatever tradition I’m interested in. Working with Rose as my mentor in practical occult skills has been easily the most productive and paradigm shifting teacher-student relationship I’ve had the pleasure of cultivating so far. I initially sought Rose’s mentorship for scrying after taking several classes which were less effective than I had hoped for. Her guidance got me up and running within two weeks, and in the time since I’ve been immensely grateful to be able to ask for her advice on a wide array of skills, spirit problems, and spell-work—from necromancy to glamours and cartomancy to spirit traps.

Rose’s rigorous honesty, wealth of experience, and shrewd questioning provide a firm and grounded foundation for exploring areas of occultism and spirit work which would have otherwise seemed too risky or far-afield, all the while providing personalized suggestions and guidance regarding what to avoid based on her experience and my own spiritual orientation. Time and time again, she’s been able to deftly steer me past the twin pit-falls of Doubt & Hubris and over the hedge into a world that is not only so much stranger and more beautiful than I’d ever imagined, but also concretely & materially beneficial to my well-being in the most common sense. I strongly recommend her services and mentorship for anyone who also yearns for a more magical life or desires to be in right relationship with the Others in their life.”

-Rose Kent

"I came for help to Rose in January 2023, after many years battling with fae related issues, in a state of confusion, fear and sincerely desperate at that point. Not knowing why I was attacked and harassed by these beings to whom I had never, in my knowledge, asked or contacted for anything. To be completely sincere, I wasn’t even 100% sure of their existence or their nature before the reading. I can say that Rose’s reading completely changed my life, forever. Not only did she negotiate on my behalf for my safety, provided meticulous details that only I could know about my current and past lives, but also was the facilitator of a life changing relationship that has opened many doors, magically, dream-wise, and probably even for my afterlife. I now live happily related to this realm, benefiting from its protection, blessings, and so much more, as it was meant to be. Rose not only blew my mind with her exceptional divination and vision skills, she also accompanied me in one of the most difficult moments I have ever experienced, answering every question and reassuring me about the fact that even if the beings I was related to weren’t considered « good »  by the general folklore, it was possible to create a relationship that was peaceful and beautiful for both of us. And it is. I can say that Rose has probably saved my life, my sanity and contrary to most other diviners who claimed to be able to help me,  was never scared to face these very aggressive beings, and never gave up on my situation. 

I urge you to contact her if you have any Fae related issues, especially involving marriage, or any other kind of kin relationship to the Unseelie. Rose has helped reveal their true nature to me and by consequence mine. It has been a more than 7 year battle to discover this, and it’s all thanks to Rose. Milesker Rose, you are one of a kind, and probably one of the very few real fairy-seers in the esoteric online community.”


I have been working with Rose for almost 6 months now and have felt completely and utterly transformed in so many ways. Even the people in and around my life have noticed how much I am stepping into my power and honing my abilities. I feel like a glowing atmospheric ghost light! Rose really helped me set structure and foundation within my craft and opened up a safe space for me to talk about the other folk in my life. I can assure you that you’re in safe hands with Rose, she has such incredible wisdom and has so much to share with the world. Rose is one of few people I trust with this work and the payoff speaks for itself. I feel like I am becoming the woman I always dreamed of, the one who doesn’t back down and howls like the wind. She has taught me to have confidence in my scrying skills, she will test me and give me the best advice moving forward. She is not only a psychic powerhouse, but a spiritual surgeon, a mystical voice and has incredible ability to act in precise and bone chilling ways. I feel blessed and grateful to have Rose as my mentor, she’s guided me through initiations, been an ear when I need to vent about the bloody and soul snatching side of witchcraft and has never left me in the dark. If you’re looking for someone who truly has your back and wants to see you thrive, get yourself booked in with Rose - life changing mentoring and guidance.”


“Rose made me excited about my magic again. Her breadth of folkloric knowledge only rivals her depth of love for spirit communication and teaching others how to do the same safely. Not only am I more confident in my protective procedures and practices, but the questions I bring (which are many) are answered with practical wisdom rooted in her personal experience. The time I've spent learning from her is invaluable and I find myself thinking about our talks daily. When I was looking for ways to grow into my scrying abilities, I took a chance with Rose and it's been the best thing I've ever done for my magical practice.”


Luminous Leeci - Linktree

"My decision to entrust Rose with peering into what has always been a murky pool I never felt experienced enough, never talented enough to peer past myself - has been one of the most life changing choices I’ve ever made. She has elucidated information so near and dear to my heart and soul that I never dared to entertain for fear of being delusional, and affirmed lifelong truths few people could ever hope to perceive about not only me as a person, but as a practitioner and the relationships close to me that I never previously considered very seriously. She’s helped me realize just how powerful my imagination is in my work and in my ability to communicate with spirits, and has brought such a lightness to my practice. While maybe this isn’t important to everyone, I don’t think a single session has gone by that didn’t have me so giddy and laughing at just how much fun magic can be, and how silly we can allow ourselves to be while still respecting the work we do - and showing up with dedication and drive to improve and trust in our own capability with confidence. She is a veritable badass, and is also so incredibly compassionate and direct in how she teaches and encourages you to do the damn thing, and to engage with failure as a stepping stone to attainment. Her cunning and magical prowess speaks for itself in a visceral immediacy refined by such a radiant and self evident love for the work. I cannot recommend her enough for any of her services, but most especially if you are looking for someone who can guide you towards becoming the best possible practitioner you can be – she’s the exact person you’re looking for. The scrying coaching alone is invaluable towards cultivating and recognizing the rich tapestry of spirit relationships you already have that walk with you."


“Rose has the ability to truly see into one’s heart. The divination she performed for me — mainly those of scrying — has been both incredibly reaffirming and revelatory, revealing truths about myself and my spiritual practice in a way that is blunt but gentle. Essentially, she tells you what is necessary for you to hear in order to better yourself. I have taken her advice and used it to turn myself away from a path I was previously walking on for all the wrong reasons. Likewise, with the guidance given from her reading, I was able to deepen my relationships with my existing spirit allies and mentors and rekindle genuine joy in my faith once more. To conclude, I wholeheartedly recommend Rose’s services to anyone in need of insight or advice.”

-Ivy Senna

Author of “Venus as Mother: to Soothe a Grieving Heart”

“Rose not only taught me her scrying method in just a few sessions, she also taught me to trust my instincts and overcome my doubt that what I was experiencing was "real" and not just "in my head." In a very short time I was able to practice on my own and was frankly shocked at the verifiable results I was getting.”


“Not only does Rose bring a wealth of folkloric knowledge and historical insight, she also brings compassion and a sympathetic ear to her sessions. Rose helped guide me through a difficult situation, one in which I was afraid, and unsure of how to deal with what was going on. She helped confirm the nature of the spirits I was being confronted with, as well as how to move forward and turn the situation into a positive.”


“Rose was supportive in ways that helped me overcome my biggest obstacle which is my own self-doubt. Having kind and positive feedback in the moment while scrying allowed me to open up to my ability where I would normally shut myself down. That kind of instant feedback is valuable in building confidence in this skill, and I would absolutely recommend her coaching.”
